happy holidays!

hi there everyone! i know that i am a few days late on writing this, but it has been a super busy few weeks for us :) i love the holidays~ they are so much fun! i also love reflecting on the year that has passed. each one teaches me so much, and each one is a blessing and a gift. i am so thankful for my husband, my kids, my family and my friends. i am thankful for my awesome business and the chance to get to do what i love. as the years go by, i am more and more aware of how blessed i am.

this holiday season was an awesome one for sure. it is one that i will probably always remember for a variety of reasons, but one that i will always hold dear. i wish you all the very best in the new year~ especially those who are starting out their lives together this year as married couples, and those that i am planning with~it's going to be great!! happy 2010 everyone!!

of course, no holiday blog post would be complete without a photo of my crazy kids on christmas morning, so here is a photo that i took with my iphone.....(just wanted to make sure that you knew josh didn't take it!! :) they begged santa for a quad so that they could hang with all their friends. if you could see ryan ride this thing, you would understand that i am terrified of him becoming an extreme sports guy when he grows up~ he is fearless!! at only 3 1/2, he rips around and even has his own "moves". his words, not mine :) payton is the more cautious of drivers, but she holds her own. they are entertaining, and amazing, and wild (and loud!!) and still to this day, the best gift i have ever received :)


ah yes. halloween. i love any holiday with the kids- they are so funny, and what could be better than making your kids get chocolate for you ?? :) this year, payton thought that she would shake it up a bit. for the last two years, she has been a care bear. (cheer bear to be exact). so this year, she wanted to be a care bear, but she wanted to be "cheer bear dressed up like love-a-lot bear.) out came the old costume, and i busted out some 8th grade sewing skills. 20 minutes later, we had a new "belly badge" and a care bear for the 3rd year in a row. ( i swear that offer to buy her/make her a new costume every year, but she is loyal!! ryan on the other hand was open to being anything, and he finally settled on "mater" from the cars movie. add in some friends, lots of other kids, wine and some soup, and the night was great!!